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Bolognese dialect

Native toItaly
Language codes
ISO 639-3

Bolognese (native name: bulgnaiṡ, Emilian: [bul̪ˈɲai̯z̺]) is a dialect of Emilian spoken in the most part in the city of Bologna and its hinterland (except east of the Sillaro stream), but also in the district of Castelfranco Emilia in the province of Modena, and in the towns of Sambuca Pistoiese (Tuscany), Cento, Sant'Agostino, and Poggio Renatico (province of Ferrara).


Although the term dialect is commonly used in reference to all minority languages native to Italy, most of them are not mutually intelligible with Italian.[1] Bolognese is no exception and so is an Emilian dialect, not an Italian one.


Bolognese is a dialect of Emilian, one of the Gallo-Italic languages of the Romance family. It shares many common features with other Gallo-Italic languages such as Piedmontese, Lombard, Venetian, Romagnol and Ligurian, and it is closer to them than to Italian.


"… I say, then, that perhaps those are not wrong who claim that the Bolognese speak a more beautiful language than most, especially since they take many features of their own speech from that of the people who live around them, in Imola, Ferrara and Modena I believe that everybody does this with respect to his own neighbours.... So the above-mentioned citizens of Bologna take a soft, yielding quality from those of Imola, and from the people of Ferrara and Modena, on the other hand, a certain abruptness which is more typical of the Lombards.... If, then, the Bolognese take from all sides, as I have said, it seems reasonable to suggest that their language, tempered by the combination of opposites mentioned above, should achieve a praiseworthy degree of elegance; and this, in my opinion, is beyond doubt true."
(Dante Alighieri, De vulgari eloquentia - Liber I, xv, 2-5)

Middle Ages

Bolognese evolved a group of Gallo-Romance languages sharing features with neighbouring northern Italian languages. It developed more distinctly into the Middle Ages as a dialect of the Emilian language. During the High Middle Ages, a number of troubadours composing lyrical poetry were active in Bologna, especially during the 13th century. That served to raise cultural awareness to the possibility of composing songs, poems and other works in vernacular languages. One of the first references to Bolognese as a distinct language was made by Dante Alighieri, in his De vulgari eloquentia, written in the beginning of the 14th century.


During the boom of interest in linguistic diversity during the 19th century, a number of efforts were made to create vocabularies, grammars, and collections of axioms, folk tales, and literature. The first dictionary was compiled in 1901 by Gaspare Ungarelli, who also attempted to create a writing system using the Italian alphabet. A period of stigmatisation followed in the 20th century, where children were punished for speaking the dialect in school,[citation needed] as it was considered to be a sign of poor education and etiquette.[citation needed]

In 1964, Alberto Menarini proposed an alphabet with many of the same letters still used. In recent times, Bolognese has enjoyed a period of rebirth with some words, such as umarell, derived from Bolognese umarèl, becoming popular beyond Bologna itself.[2]


Here are some prominent features of Bolognese phonology:[3]

  • centralized vowels [ɐ], [e̠], [ɛ̠], [i̠], [o̟], [ɔ̟], [ʌ̟] and [u̟] rather than /a/, /e/, /ɛ/, /i/, /o/, /ɔ/, /ʌ/ or /u/
  • phonemic distinction between short vowels and corresponding long vowels/diphthongs
  • nucleus vowel and coda consonant length having an inverse relationship
  • realisation of labio–alveolar consonants
  • syncopation resulting in complex consonant clusters
  • frequent slacking of word-final voiceless obstruents
  • more exaggerated intonation than in Italian[citation needed]

The phonemes of Bolognese are realized phonetically very differently depending on the area in or around Bologna. Much free variation occurs in words from complex phonological processes.


Bolognese has 25 consonant phonemes:

Consonant phonemes of Bolognese
Bilabial Labio-
Dental Alveolar Labio-
Palatal Velar Labio-
Nasal m n ɲ ŋ ŋʷ
Plosive p b t d k ɡ ɡʷ
Affricate ts dz
Fricative f v θ ð s z
Approximant l j w
Trill r



Letter Name IPA Example
a - à a cûrta /a/ lażż, casàtt
a - e a dabbla - e dabbla /ǝ/ schéṅna - métter
â a lónga /aː/ pajâz, râta
å a srè /ʌ/ Bulåggna, bån, tåurta
ä e dimónndi avêrta e cûrta /æ/ bän
e - é e srè /e/ economî - pén
è e avêrta lónga /ɛː/ lèder, mèder
ê e lónga /eː/ ṡvêlt, mêder, mêter
i - í i /i/ dṡvilópp - chíllo
î i lónga /iː/ Flîṡ, lîber
ò o avêrta /ɔ/ - /ɔ:/ inbariagòt, còl, tòr
o - ó o srè /o/ mói, tóff
ô o lónga /o:/ fiôl, fiôl, nôv, côl, tôr
u u /u/ sugabått, carbúrro
û u lónga /uː/ balûṡ, ligûr
  • On monosyllabic words, accents are not marked if a word ends in a consonant: can, sacc. However, it is marked if it ends in a vowel pà, rà.
  • The vowel å and ä are always stressed including the diphthong åu and ai (or ou and äi in the countryside). If another vowel is accented alongside ai, then the diphthong ai is not stressed, for example: maicàtt. This rule doesn't apply on compound words such as såuranómm where the stress falls on ó.
  • The vowel í and ú are only used for loanwords to indicate stressed short i and u. For example: chíllo, carbúrro


Letter Name IPA Example
c (1) - ch (2) - ch' - cc c dûra /k/ c - chi - ch'as - sàcc
c (2) - c' - cc' (3) c dåulz /ts/ c' - uràcc', inbac'lèr
g (1) - gh (2) - g - gg g dûra /g/ grand, brèg, dégg
g (2) - g' - gg' (3) g dåulza /dz/ giósst - curâg' - dågg'
gn gn dåulza /ɲ/ sgnåur, Raggn
gl gl dåulza /ʎ/ ṡbaglièr, Emégglia
n n /n/ anâdra, månnd, mand
n n vlèr /ŋ/ canvèr
ṅ (ṅn) n vlèr /ŋ/ culéṅna
s s såurda /s/ sôrbel
s sunôra /z/ er
z z såurda /θ/ aziån, znèr
ż z sunôra /ð/ żûg, żnèr
j j /j/ ja, tajja
s-c /sk/ s-ciavvd
s-g /sg/ s-giazèr
g-li /g.li/ neg-ligiänt

(1) Followed by a,o,u
(2) Followed by i, e
(3) End of a word after a stressed vowel

  • The letter n represents /n/. However, after a stressed vowel, /n/ is lengthened. n represents ŋ after unstressed vowel and before consonants (including n however, in this case it's represented ṅn orthographically).
  • The letter q is only used in the beginning of words. Therefore, it's written quâter but âcua.
  • Short vowels are always followed by a long consonant, and vice versa. For example: sacc and sâc, méll and mêl, córr and côr. This rule doesn't apply on compound words such as peppacûl.
  • In some words, /ts/ and /dz/ can be written as ts/ds and dṡ thus reflecting its etymology and pronunciation. For example: tstón = c'tón, dscårrer = c'cårrer, dṡdétta = g'détta
  • Palatization of l and n frequently occurs before the pronoun i and on articles such as äli ôv, däli ôv. Example: al i à détt ch'a n i vâg pió is pronounced /aʎ.ʎi.adˈdetː ˈkaɲ.ɲi ˈvaːg ˈpjo/
  • The dropping of the last vowel in a word is indicated with an apostrophe. For example: ch'al séppa, s'a l savêva, l'ôca, lî l'é (apocopic forms of che, se, la, la). However if the vowel is located at the beginning of a word, it is generally unmarked. For example: d avréll, l èṡen, ló l é, csa vût (syncopic forms of ed, al, al).



Bolognese distinguishes two genders, masculine and feminine, and two numbers, single and plural. In most nouns, the suffix -a is added to the masculine word to indicate femininity: defizänt, defizänta; påndg, påndga.

The formation of Bolognese plurals is complicated. Unlike Italian, inflection usually happens not by adding suffixes but rather by apophony:

  • å → ó: biånnd, "blond", biónnd, "blonds"
  • ô → û: żnôc', "knee", żnûc', "knees"

However, when words that end with -èl or -ôl are pluralised, the -èl or -ôl is changed to and respectively: martèl, "hammer", martî, "hammers"; fiôl, "son", fiû "sons". There are some exceptions to that rule, such as nurmèl, "normal", which is unchanged when made plural, and some others, such as sàntel, "godfather", which are unchanged when made plural because words are not truncated, that is, with a stress that does not fall on è or ô.

Masculine words that end in a consonant are unchanged when made plural and so the number can be identified only by the preceding article: al râm, "the branch", i râm, "the branches". In addition, pluralised feminine words that are not constructed from a masculine word do not have an -a: la rôda, "the wheel", äl rôd, "the wheels". The plurals of feminine words constructed from masculine words are formed by using an -i instead of an -a: biånnda, "blonde", biånndi, "blondes"; ziéṅna "aunt", ziéṅni, "aunts".

Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine Meaning
-én -éṅna cinén cinéṅna piccolo
-ån -åṅna padrån padråṅna padrone
-ói -ójja mói mójja bagnato
-an -èna san sèna sano
C+el C+la dàbbel dabbla debole
C+en C+na intêren intêrna interno
C+er C+ra naigher naigra nero
c' cia vèc' vècia vecchio

Exception: bån, bôna


Singular Plural Singular Plural Notes
-än- -én- al dänt i dént
-àtt -étt al casàtt i casétt
-ai- -î- al vaider i vîder
-å- -ó- al limån i limón
-åu- -û- al fiåur i fiûr
-ôl al fiôl i fiû
-èl al canèl i canî From Vulgar Latin -ello.
-èl al canèl i canèl From Vulgar Latin -ale.
Ending in vowels al dócca i dócca Invariable
al cínno i cínno
al comunéssta i comunéssta
Other cases al gât i gât Invariable
al can i can
al zîl i zîl


Singular Plural Singular Plural Notes
Ends in a Drops a la scrâna äl scrân
la vâca äl vâc
Ends in a Ends in i la gâta äl gâti Feminine noun derived from masculine noun
la comunéssta äl comunéssti
Other cases la våuṡ äl våuṡ Invariable
la pû äl pû


Adjective become the feminine form by adding -a to masculine, therefore they form plural similar to feminine nouns derived from masculine nouns.

  • Singular: un gât grand (masculine), una gâta granda (feminine)
  • Plural: dû gât grand (masculine), dåu gâti grandi (feminine)
  • Singular: un ragâz bèl (masculine), una ragâza bèla (feminine)
  • Plural: dû ragâz bî (masculine), dåu ragâzi bèli (feminine)
Masculine Feminine
Singular Plural Singular Plural
sutîl sutîla sutîl sutîli
difézzil difézzil difézzil difézzili
uriginèl uriginèl uriginèl uriginèl(i)


Pronoun Definite Indefinite
singular masculine al/l un
feminine la/l' (u)na
plural masculine i di
feminine äl(i) däl(i)

Orthographic rules

Article Before consonant Before vowel
definite masculine al fiåur, al studänt l òmen, l ân
feminine la tuṡatta, la cà l'åura, l'ôca
indefinite masculine un fiåur, un studänt un òmen, un ân
feminine una tuṡatta, una cà un'åura, un'ôca
plural masculine i fiûr, i studént i òmen, i ân
feminine äl tuṡatt, äl cà äli åur, äli ôc

Combination with preposition

Preposition al l la l' i äl äli
ed dal dl dla dl' di däl däli
a al al ala al' ai al ali
da dal dal dala dal' dai dal dali
par pr al par l par la par l' pr i pr äl pr äli
con con al con l con la con l' con i col coli
int int al int l int la int l' int i int äl int äli


Personal Pronoun

Number Nominative Verbal Noun Interrogative suffix Dative Con + Possessive Adjective
singular 1 a(i) ia m mîg
2 (e)t (e)t t tîg tô, tô, tû, tåu
3.m al/l (e)l s sîg sô, sô, sû, såu
3.f la/l' la sig
plural 1 nuèter a(i) ia s nòsc nòster, nòstra, nûster, nòstri
2 vuèter a(i) v v vòsc vòster, vòstra, vûster, vòstri
3.m låur i (n)i s sîg sô, sô, sû, såu
3.f äl(i)

Demonstrative Pronoun and Adjective

Pronoun Demonstrative Adjective
This That This That
Singular Masculine quasst quall ste cal
Feminine quassta qualla sta cla
Plural Masculine quíssti quî sti chi
Feminine quassti qualli stäl cäl


To form the interrogative form, euphonic vowels on the verb must be removed including on -en endings. For 3rd and 1st person singular, final unstressed a must also be removed. For example: a dâg > dâghia, a mâgnen > mâgn-ni, l avêva > avêvel


Persåṅna Fåurma afermatîva Fåurma interugatîva
Preṡänt Inparfèt Pasè luntàn Futûr Preṡänt Inparfèt Pasè luntàn Futûr
a sån ai êra a fó a srò såggna? êria? fójja? sròja?
t î t êr t fóss t srè ît? êret? fósset? srèt?
l é l êra al fó al srà êl? êrel? fóll? srèl?
l'é l'êra la fó la srà êla? êrla? fólla? srèla?
Nuèter a sän ai êren a fónn a srän saggna? êrgna? fóggna? sraggna?
Vuèter a sî ai êri a fóssi a srî sîv? êri? fóssi? srîv?
Låur i én i êren i fónn i sran êni? êrni? fónni? srèni?
äli én äli êren äl fónn äl sran
Persåṅna Fåurma afermatîva Fåurma interugatîva
Congiuntîv Condiziunèl Condiziunèl
Preṡänt Pasè
ch'a séppa sîa ch'a fóss a srêv sréjja?
che t sépp che t fóss t sréss srésset?
ch'al séppa sîa ch'al fóss al srêv sréll?
che la séppa che la fóss la srêv srélla?
Nuèter ch'a saggna ch'a fóssen a srénn sréggna?
Vuèter ch'a siêdi ch'a fóssi a sréssi sréssi?
Låur ch'i séppen sîen ch'i fóssen i srénn srénni?
ch'äl séppen ch'äl fóssen äl srénn

Gerund: esànd

Past participle: stè

Imperative: sît (2nd.sg), sièdi (2nd.pl)

Persåṅna Fåurma afermatîva Fåurma interugatîva
Preṡänt Inparfèt Pasè luntàn Futûr Preṡänt Inparfèt Pasè luntàn Futûr
ai ò ai avêva ai avé ai arò òjja? avêvia? avéjja? aròja?
t è t avêv t avéss t arè èt? avêvet? avésset? arèt?
l à l avêva l avé l arà àl? avêvel? avéll? arèl?
l'à l'avêva l'avé l'arà àla? avêvla? avélla? arèla?
Nuèter ai avän ai avêven ai avénn ai arän avaggna? avêvgna? avéggna? araggna?
Vuèter ai avî ai avêvi ai avéssi ai arî avîv? avêviv? avéssiv? arîv?
Låur i/äli an i/äli avêven i/äli avénn i/äli aràn ani? avêvni? avénni? arèni?
Persåṅna Fåurma afermatîva Fåurma interugatîva
Congiuntîv Condiziunèl Condiziunèl
Preṡänt Pasè
ch'ai èva ch'ai avéss ai arêv aréjja?
che t èv che t avéss t aréss arésset?
ch'l èva ch'l avéss l arêv aréll?
ch'l'èva ch'l'avéss l'arêv arélla?
Nuèter ch'ai avaggna ch'ai avéssen ai arénn aréggna?
Vuèter ch'ai avèdi ch'ai avéssi ai aréssi aréssi?
Låur ch'i/ch'äli èven ch'i/ch'äli avéssen i/äli arénn arénni?

Gerund: avànd

Past participle: avó

Imperative: èvet (2nd.sg), avèdi (2nd.pl)


Persåṅna Fåurma afermatîva Fåurma interugatîva
Preṡänt Inparfèt Pasè luntàn Futûr Preṡänt Inparfèt Pasè luntàn Futûr
a mand a mandèva a mandé a mandarò mandia? mandèvia? mandéjja? mandaròja?
t mand t mandèv t mandéss t mandarè mandet? mandèvet? mandésset? mandarèt?
al manda al mandèva al mandé al mandarà mandel? mandèvel? mandéll? mandaràl?
la manda la mandèva la mandé la mandarà mandla? mandèvla? mandélla? mandaràla?
Nuèter a mandän a mandèven a mandénn a mandarän mandaggna? mandèvgna? mandéggna? mandaraggna?
Vuèter a mandè a mandèvi a mandéssi a mandarî mandèv mandèviv mandéssiv mandarîv
Låur i/äl manden i/äl mandèven i/äl mandénn i/äl mandaràn mandni mandèvni mandénni mandarèni
Persåṅna Fåurma afermatîva Fåurma interugatîva
Congiuntîv Condiziunèl Condiziunèl
Preṡänt Pasè
ch'a manda ch'a mandéss a mandarêv mandaréjja?
che t mand che t mandéss che t mandaréss mandarésset?
ch'al manda ch'al mandéss al mandarêv mandaréll?
che la manda che la mandéss la mandarêv mandarélla?
Nuèter ch'a mandaggna ch'a mandéssen a mandarénn mandaréggna?
Vuèter ch'a mandèdi ch'a mandéssi a mandaréssi mandaréssiv?
Låur ch'i/ch'äl manden ch'i/ch'äl mandéssen i/äl mandarénn mandarénni?

Gerund: mandànd

Past participle: mandè

Imperative: manda (2nd.sg), mandè (2nd.pl)

Persåṅna Fåurma afermatîva Fåurma interugatîva
Preṡänt Inparfèt Pasè luntàn Futûr Preṡänt Inparfèt Pasè luntàn Futûr
a pèr a parêva a paré a par-rò pèria? parêvia? paréjja? par-ròja?
t pèr t parêv t paréss t par-rè pèret? parêvet? parésset? par-rèt?
al pèr al parêva al paré al par-rà pèrel? parêvel? paréll? par-ràl?
la pèr la parêva la paré la par-rà pèrla? parêvla? parélla? par-ràla?
Nuèter a parän a parêven a parénn a par-rän paraggna? parêvgna? paréggna? par-raggna?
Vuèter a parî a parêvi a paréssi a par-rî parîv? parêviv? paréssiv? par-rîv?
Låur i/äl pèren i/äl parêven i/äl parénn i/äl par-ràn pèrni? parêvni parénni par-rènni?
Persåṅna Fåurma afermatîva Fåurma interugatîva
Congiuntîv Condiziunèl Condiziunèl
Preṡänt Pasè
ch'a pèra ch'a paréss a parêv paréjja?
che t pèr che t paréss t paréss parésset?
ch'al pèra ch'al paréss al parêv paréll?
che la pèra che la paréss la parêv parélla?
Nuèter ch'a paraggna ch'a paréssen a parénn paréggna?
Vuèter ch'a parèdi ch'a paréssi a paréssi paréssiv?
Låur ch'i/ch'äl pèren ch'i/ch'äl paréssen i/äl parénn parénni?

Gerund: parànd

Past participle: pèrs

Imperative: pèr (2nd.sg), parè (2nd.pl)

Persåṅna Fåurma afermatîva Fåurma interugatîva
Preṡänt Inparfèt Pasè luntàn Futûr Preṡänt Inparfèt Pasè luntàn Futûr
ai adliż ai adliżêva ai adliżé ai adliżrò adliżia? adliżêvia? adliżéjja? adliżròja?
t adliż t adliżêv t adliżéss t adliżrè adliżet? adliżêvet? adliżésset? adliżrèt?
l adliż l adliżêva l adliżé l adliżrà adliżel? adliżêvel? adliżéll? adliżràl?
l' adliż l' adliżêva l' adliżé l' adliżrà adliżla? adliżêvla? adliżélla? adliżràla?
Nuèter ai adliżän ai adliżêven ai adliżénn ai adliżrän adliżaggna? adliżêvgna? adliżéggnia? adliżraggnia?
Vuèter ai adliżî ai adliżêvi ai adliżéssi ai adliżrî adliżîv? adliżêviv? adliżéssiv? adliżrîv?
Låur i/äl adliżen i/äl adliżêven i/äl adliżénn i/äl adliżràn adliżni? adliżêvni? adliżénni? adliżrèni?
Persåṅna Fåurma afermatîva Fåurma interugatîva
Congiuntîv Condiziunèl Condiziunèl
Preṡänt Pasè
ch'ai adliża ch'ai adliżéss ai adliżrêv adliżréjja?
che t adliż che t adliżéss t adliżréss adliżrésset?
ch'l adliża ch'l adliżéss l adliżrêv adliżréll?
ch'l'adliża ch'l'adliżéss l'adliżrêv adliżrélla?
Nuèter ch'ai adliżaggna ch'ai adliżéssen ai adliżrénn adliżréggna?
Vuèter ch'ai adliżèdi ch'ai adliżéssi ai adliżréssi adliżréssiv?
Låur ch'i/ch'äli adliżen ch'i/ch'äli adliżéssen i/äli adliżrénn adliżrénni?

Gerund: adliżànd

Past participle: adlît

Imperative: adliż (2nd.sg), adliżî (2nd.pl)

Persåṅna Fåurma afermatîva Fåurma interugatîva
Preṡänt Inparfèt Pasè luntàn Futûr Preṡänt Inparfèt Pasè luntàn Futûr
a finéss a finêva a finé a finirò finéssia? finêvia? finéjja? finiròja?
t finéss t finêv t finéss t finirè finésset? finêvet? finésset? finirèt?
al finéss al finêva al finé al finirà finéssel? finêvel? finéll? finiràl?
la finéss la finêva la finé la finirà finéssela? finêvla? finélla? finiràla?
Nuèter a finän a finêven a finénn a finirän finaggna? finêvgna? finéggna? finiraggna?
Vuèter a finî a finêvi a finéssi a finirî finîv? finêviv? finéssiv? finirîv?
Låur i/äl finéssen i/äl finêven i/äl finénn i/äl finiràn finéssni? finêvni? finénni? finirènni?
Persåṅna Fåurma afermatîva Fåurma interugatîva
Congiuntîv Condiziunèl Condiziunèl
Preṡänt Pasè
ch'a finéssa ch'a finéss a finirêv finiréjja?
che t finéss che t finéss t finiréss finirésset?
ch'al finéssa ch'al finéss al finirêv finiréll?
che la finéssa che la finéss la finirêv finirélla?
Nuèter ch'a finaggna ch'a finéssen a finirénn finiréggna?
Vuèter ch'a finèdi ch'a finéssi a finiréssi finiréssiv?
Låur ch'i/ch'äl finessen ch'i/ch'äl finéssen i/äl finirénn finirénni?

Gerund: finànd

Past participle: finé

Imperative: finéss (2nd.sg), finî (2nd.pl)

Cognugaziån dal vêrb magnèr

  • a mâgn
  • t mâgn
  • al, la mâgna
  • nuèter a magnän
  • vuèter a magnè
  • låur i mâgnen

Cognugaziån interugatîva dal vêrb magnèr

  • mâgna?
  • mâgnet?
  • mâgnel? mâgnla?
  • magnaggna?
  • magnèv?
  • mâgn-ni?


Persåṅna -èr -air Tôr -îr
Andèr Fèr Dèr Stèr Savair Vlair Psair Dvair Dîr Tgnîr Vgnîr
a vâg a fâg a dâg a stâg a sò a vói a pos a dèv a tói a dégg a téggn a véggn
t và t fè t dè t stà t sè t vû t pû t dèv t tû t dî t tén t vén
Ló/Lî al/la và al/la fà al/la dà al/la stà al/la sà al/la vôl al/la pôl al/la dèv al/la tôl al/la dîṡ al/la tén al/la vén
Nuèter a andän a fän a dän a stän a savän a vlän a pulän a dvän a tulän a dṡän
Vuèter a andè a fè a dè a stè a savî a vlî a pulî a dvî a tulî a dṡî
Låur i/äl van i/äl fan i/äl dan i/äl stan i/äl san i/äl vôlen i/äl pôlen i/äl dèv i/äl tôlen i/äl dîṡen


To construct a reflexive verb, the pronoun es is suffixed into the verb. For example the reflexive of guardèr is guardères or guardèrs.

Person Atruvères
Present Imperative
ai m atrôv atrôvem!
et t atrôv atrôvet!
Ló/Lî al/la s atrôva atrôves!
Nuèter ai s atruvän atruvans!
Vuèter ai v atruvè atruvèv!
Låur i/äli s atrôven atrôvens!

Special Cases

stare (conjugated) + verb (gerund) = èser (conjugated) + drî a + verb (infinitive)

  • sta andando = l é drî a andèr
  • sto ancora facendo = a sån anc drî a fèr

dovere (conjugated) + verb = avair (conjugated) + da + verb

  • devi sapere = t è da savair
  • devo lavorare = ai ò da lavurèr
  • dovrei mangiare meno = ai arêv da magnèr manc

dovere (conjugated) + verb = dative pronoun + tuchèr (conjugated) + (e)d + verb

  • devo lavorare di notte = a m tåcca ed lavurèr ala nòt
  • non dovrà lavorare il doppio = an s tucarà d lavurèr al dåppi

pronoun + verb + da solo = pronoun + verb + da par + pronoun

  • io mi difendo da solo = mé a m difànd da par mé
  • tu vai al cinema da solo = té t và al cínnema da par té
  • bisogna fare tutto da soli = biṡåggna fèr tótt da pr as



bän (bene), cómm (come), acsé (così), mèl (male), giósst (giusto), mé (meglio), insàmm (insieme), pîz (peggio)


incû (oggi), ajîr (ieri), dman (domani), adès (adesso), dåpp (dopo), bèle (già), mâi (mai), sänper (sempre), spass (spesso), sóbbit (subito), allåura (allora), anc (ancora), ed nôv (di nuovo)


là (là), qué (qui), dóvv (dove), såtta (sotto), såuvra (sopra), fòra (fuori), dänter (dentro), foravî / fòra d vî (altrove), dnanz (davanti), drî (dietro), luntàn (lontano),


tant (tanto), pôc (poco), magâra (molto), gnént (niente), manc (meno), pió (più), quant (quanto), quèṡi (quasi), almànc (almeno)


quand? (quando?), quant? (quanto?), cum? (come?), csa? (cosa?), quèl? (quale?), parché? (perché?), dóvv? (dove?)

Affermazione, Negazione, e Dubbio

chisà (chissà), fôrsi (forse), bèle / żà (già), se (se), an (non), nå / nécca (no), sé / ói (sì)


Zéffra Cardinal / Cardnèl Ordinal / Urdnèl
0 żèr - żêro - an i é brîṡa -
1 ón (♂) óṅna (♀) prémm (♂) prémma (♀)
2 dû (♂) dåu (♀) secånnd (♂) secånnda (♀)
3 trî (♂) trai (♀) têrz (♂) têrza (♀)
4 quâter quèrt (♂) quèrta (♀)
5 zénc(v) quént (♂) quénta (♀)
6 sèst (♂) sèsta (♀)
7 sèt sètum (♂) sètma (♀)
8 òt utèv (♂) utèva (♀)
9 nôv nôn (♂) nôna (♀)
10 dîṡ dêzum (♂) dêzma (♀)
11 ónng' quall di ónng'
12 dågg' quall di dågg'
13 tragg' quall di tragg'
14 quatôrg' quall di quatôrg'
15 quenng' quall di quénng'
16 sagg' quall di sagg'
17 darsèt quall di darsèt
18 dṡdòt quall di dṡdòt
19 dṡnôv quall di dṡnôv
20 vént quall di vént
21 ventión quall di ventión
30 tränta quall di tränta
50 zincuanta quall di zincuanta
66 s-santsî quall di s-santsî
100 zänt quall di zänt
200 duṡänt quall di duṡänt
739 setzänt-träntanôv quall di setzänt-träntanôv
1000 méll quall di méll
1.000.000 un migliån quall dal migliån un miglièrd quall dal miglièrd


a n t al dâg = non te lo do

ch'an t véggna = che tu non venga


  1. ^ Cerrato, Dominico (2022-02-07). "Che lingua parla un italiano? | Lettere e arti - Il Chiasmo | Treccani, il portale del sapere". Archived from the original on 2019-11-22.
  2. ^ "Gli umarells da Bologna si sono spostati a Firenze - DIRE.it". DIRE.it (in Italian). 2016-06-04. Retrieved 2017-07-26.
  3. ^ "I són dal bulgnaiṡ" [The sounds of Bolognese]. bulgnais.com (in Emilian and Italian).

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