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Conservation Techniques for Cultural Properties

In 1975 the Japanese government added a new chapter to the Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties (1950) to provide for "traditional techniques or craftsmanship that are indispensable to the preservation of cultural property and for which preservation measures shall be taken". Preservation techniques are selected in relation to both tangible and intangible cultural properties and a holder or preservation body is recognized for each technique.[1][2][3]

In support of the Selected Conservation Techniques (選定保存技術), the government provides funding for and conducts programmes relating to documentation, training, development, promotion and public education. Recognition is thus made and measures taken to combat some of the most serious conservation issues, namely the lack of specialist craftsmen, the loss of knowledge of traditional techniques, and the availability of suitable tools and materials. These issues are of particular relevance in Japan due to the sophistication and inherent susceptibility of much of its art and architecture.[2][3]

The list below is compiled from the database of cultural properties maintained by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, with translations, glosses and listed holders (as of 2004) following those published by the Asia/Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU).[4][5]

Selected Conservation Techniques

Tangible Cultural Properties

43 techniques

Name Remarks Holder Year Picture
Production of roofing tiles (屋根瓦製作 (鬼師), yane kawara seisaku (onishi))[6][7] Onigawara Individual (Akio Kobayashi, b. 1921) 1988
Kiku-jutsu techniques for marking when constructing wooden building (modern) (規矩術 (近世規矩), kiku-jutsu (kinsei-kiku))[8][9] lit. "measuring with a carpenter's square" Individual (Takeo Mochida, b. 1931) 1993
Kiku-jutsu techniques for marking when constructing wooden building (ancient) (規矩術 (古式規矩), kiku-jutsu (koshiki-kiku))[3][10] In particular for projecting eaves; developed since the twelfth century Individual (Takeo Mochida, b. 1931) 1991
Smithery of metal fittings (金具鍛冶, kanagu kaji)[11][12] Individual (Mayoshio Yokoya, b. 1931) 2002
Manufacture of kinkarakami (金唐紙製作, kinkarakami seisaku)[13][14][15] Gold-embossed wallpaper, used in western-style buildings of the Meiji to Shōwa periods; cf. kinkarakawa or 'leather wallpaper' Individual 2005
Making of traditional fittings such as sliding doors (建具製作, tategu seisaku)[16][17] Includes shōji, fusuma, amado Individual (Tadashi Suzuki, b. 1936) 1999
Production of model buildings (建造物模型製作, kenzōbutsu mokei seisaku)[18] Individual (Yushuhiro Wada, b. 1932) 1999
Restoration of armour (甲冑修理, katchū shūri)[19] Individual (Masami Ozawa, b. 1953) 1998
Plastering (traditional Kyokabe walls) (左官 (古式京壁), sakan (koshiki kyō-kabe))[20] Individual (Haruo Sato, b. 1924) 2001
Plastering (左官 (漆喰塗), sakan (shikkuinuri))[21][22] Glue, brine, clay, and thread are mixed into the lime Individual (Isokichi Okui, b. 1919) 1998
Restoration of lacquer wares (漆工品修理, shikkōhin shūri)[23][24] Individual (Kenichi Kitamura, b. 1938) 1994
Crafting and restoration of metal fittings of Jōdai ornaments (上代飾金具製作修理, jōdai kazari kanagu seisaku shūri)[25] Includes mikoshi, zushi Individual (Sōtaro Kanae, b. 1908) 1977
Manufacture of tatami (畳製作, tatami seisaku)[26] Individual 1929
Stone tile roofing (石盤葺, sekibanbuki)[27] Individual 2005
Production of nails made of bamboo (竹釘製作, takekugi seisaku)[28][29] Individual (Yoshiharu Ishizuka, b. 1922) 1998
Casting production (鋳物製作, imono seisaku)[30] Individual (Shūichi Otani, b. 1933) 1999
Production of karakami paper (唐紙製作, karakami seisaku)[31][32] Individual (Kenkichi Senda, b. 1942) 1999
Manufacture of boxes made of paulownia wood for containing art and craft objects (美術工芸品保存桐箱製作, bijutsu kōgeihin hozon kiribako seisaku)[33] Individual (Yūichi Maeda, b. 1927) 1980
Manufacture of ancient textiles (such as gold brocade) for mounting (表具用古代裂 (金襴等) 製作, hyōgu-yō kodai-gire (kinran tō) seisaku)[34][35][36][37] For kakemono etc. Individual 2007
Manufacture of brushes for mounting (表具用刷毛製作, hyōguyō hage seisaku)[38][39] Individual 1958
Production of Udagami handmade paper for mounting on sliding doors (表具用手漉和紙 (宇陀紙) 製作, hyōguyō tesuki washi (udagami) seisaku)[40] washi Individual (Hiroyuki Hukunishi, b. 1930) 1978
Production of Misugami handmade paper for mounting (表具用手漉和紙 (美栖紙) 製作, hyōguyō tesuki washi (misugami) seisaku)[41] washi Individual 2009
Production of Hoshū handmade paper for mounting (表具用手漉和紙 (補修紙) 製作, hyōguyō tesuki washi (hoshūshi) seisaku)[42] washi Individual 2007
Production of brushes for mounting (表具用打刷毛製作, hyōguyō uchibake seisaku)[43] Individual (Genjirō Hujii, b. 1920) 1998
Joinery for mounting (表装建具製作, hyōsō tategu seisaku)[17][44][45] Individual 1995
Dyeing with true indigo (本藍染, hon aizome)[46] Individual (Yoshio Mori, b. 1941) 1996
Woodwork restoration (木工品修理, mokkohin shūri)[47] Individual (Hiroshi Sakurai, b. 1950) 1997
Gathering Japanese cypress bark (檜皮採取, hiwada saishiki)[48] Individual (Yutaka Ono, b. 1934) 1999
Crafting of decorative metal fittings (錺金具製作, kazari kanagu seisaku)[49][50] Individual 1998 (Yasunosuke Morimoto, b. 1928)
Roofing with roofing tiles (屋根瓦葺 (本瓦葺), yanegawarabuki (hongawarabuki))[51][52] Joint (Kiyokazu Yamamoto, b. 1932; Mitsuo Teramoto, b. 1946; group also) 1994
Roofing with thatch (茅葺, kayabuki)[53][54] Joint (Ryōzō Sumida, b. 1926; National Organization for Conservation of Roofing Techniques for Temples and Shrines) 1980
Woodwork for building (建造物木工, kenzōbutsu mokkō)[55] Joint (Shoji Matsuura, b. 1929; Association of Conservation Techniques for Cultural Property Buildings) 1976
Roof-thatching using Japanese cypress bark or boards (檜皮葺・柿葺, hiwada-buki/kokera-buki)[56][57][58] cf. shake roofing Joint (Yasuo Onishi, b. 1925; National Organization for Conservation of Roofing Techniques for Temples and Shrines) 1976
Buildings colouration (建造物彩色, kenzōbutsu saishiki)[59] Group (Organization for Conserving Cultural Properties Related to Shrines and Temples of Nikkō 1979
Building restoration (建造物修理, kenzōbutsu shūri)[60] Group (Association of Conservation Techniques for Cultural Property Buildings) 1976
Building decoration (建造物装飾, kenzōbutsu sōshoku)[61] Group 2007
Plastering (Japanese walls) (左官 (日本壁), sakan (nihon kabe))[62] Group 2002
Production and repair of festival floats (祭屋台等製作修理, matsuri yataitō seisaku shūri)[63][64] Group (Association of Holders of Festival Floats Production and Repair Techniques 2002
Traditional framing and mounting techniques (装こう修理技術, sōkō shūri gijutsu)[65] Group (Federation of National Treasure Framers and Restorers) 1995
Ukiyo-e woodblock art techniques (浮世絵木版画技術, ukiyo-e mokuhanga gijutsu)[66] Group 1978
Conservation techniques for Cultural Property dry stone walls (文化財石垣保存技術, bunkazai ishigaki hozon gijutsu)[67][68] Group 2009
Conservation techniques for gardens designated as Cultural Properties (文化財庭園保存技術, bunkazai teien hozon gijutsu)[69] Group 2002
Restoration of wooden sculptures (木造彫刻修理, mokuzō chōkoku-shūri)[70] Group (Bijutsu-in (Art Institute) 1976

Intangible Cultural Properties

31 techniques

Name Remarks Holder Year Picture
Hair styling for kabuki theatre (歌舞伎床山, kabuki tokoyama)[71] Individual (Toshikazu Kamoji, b. 1938) 2003
Crafting and restoration of wind instruments for gagaku music (雅楽管楽器製作修理, gagaku kangakki seisaku shūri)[72] Individual (Yasuhiko Hukuda, b. 1926; Zenichi Yamada, b. 1934) 1976
Traditional steel-refining (tatara-buki) (玉鋼製造 (たたら吹き), tamahagane seizō (tatara-buki))[73] Individual (Akira Kihara, b. 1935; Katsuhiko Watanabe, b. 1939) 1977
Hair styling for traditional Okinawan performing arts (結髪 (沖縄伝統芸能), keppatsu (Okinawa dentō geinō))[74] Individual 2008
Special charcoal for polishing lacquer or metal handicrafts (研炭製造, togizumi seizō)[75] Individual (Asatarō Higashi, b. 1921) 1994
Production of brushes for gold/silver lacquer painting (蒔絵筆製作, makie fude seisaku)[76] for maki-e Individual (Kurōbei Murata, b. 1915) 1987
Production of brushes for lacquer (漆刷毛製作, urushi bake seisaku)[77] Individual (Seiji Izumi, b. 1950) 1998
Production of tools for lacquer gathering (漆掻き用具製作, urushi kakiyōgu seisaku)[78] Individual (Humitoshi Nakahata, b. 1943) 1995
Production of Yoshino-gami paper for filtering lacquer (漆濾紙 (吉野紙) 製作, urushi koshigami (Yoshino gami) seisaku)[79] Individual (Takao Konbu, b. 1951) 1999
Loom building (手機製作, tebata seisaku)[80] Individual (Tawaichi Nishimura, b. 1937) 2003
Production of Arasō raw material for textiles (粗苧製造, arasō seizō)[81] ramie used in kasuri resist-dyeing Individual (Masakado Yahata, b. 1938) 2003
Crafting of kotsuzumi drums and drumheads for nohgaku (能楽小鼓 (胴・革) 製作修理, nōgaku kotsuzumi dōkawa seisaku shūri)[82] Individual (Satoyuki Suzuki, b. 1936) 1995
Crafting of drumheads for Ōtsuzumi drums used in nohgaku (能楽大鼓 (革) 製作, nōgaku ōtsuzumi kawa seisaku)[83] Individual (Yukihiko Kimura, b. 1929) 1976
Crafting and restoration of nohkan flute (能管製作修理, nōkan seisaku shūri)[84] Individual (Hōju Hayashi, b. 1929) 1978
Crafting and restoration of biwa (琵琶製作修理, biwa seisaku shūri)[85] Individual 2006
Wig styling for bunraku puppets (文楽人形鬘・床山, bunraku ningyō katsura - tokoyama)[86] Individual (Shōji Nagoshi, b. 1930) 2002
Production of strings for Japanese stringed instruments (邦楽器糸製作, hōgaki ito seisaku)[87] for shamisen, koto, wagon, biwa Individual (Hiroyuki Ozasa, b. 1924) 1979
Loom shuttle production (杼製作, hi seisaku)[88] Individual (Junichi Hasegawa, b. 1933) 1999
Ryūkyū indigo dyestuffs production (琉球藍製造, Ryūkyū ai seizō)[89] Joint (Seishō Inowa, b. 1927; Organization for Conserving Ryūkyū Indigo Production Techniques) 1977
Karamushi plant production (からむし (苧麻) 生産・苧引き, karamushi (choma) seisan - obiki)[90] ramie Group (Shōwa-mura Karamushi Production Techniques Conservation Association) 1991
Awa indigo production (阿波藍製造, Awa ai seizō)[91] Group (Organization for Conserving Awa Indigo Production Techniques) 1978
Kabuki stage costume production and restoration (歌舞伎衣裳製作修理, kabuki ishō seisaku shūri)[92] Group (Association for Conservation of Kabuki Stage Costume Production and Restoration) 2002
Kabuki stage properties production (歌舞伎小道具製作, kabuki kodōgu seisaku)[93] Group (Organization for Conserving Kabuki Stage Properties Production Techniques) 1996
Kabuki stage set (scenery painting) production (歌舞伎大道具 (背景画) 製作, kabuki ōdōgu (haikeiga) seisaku)[94] Group (Organization for Conserving Kabuki Stage Set Production Techniques) 2002
Production of steel used for making Japanese swords (歌舞伎大道具 (背景画) 製作, tamahagane seizō)[95] tamahagane Group (Japanese Association for Conserving Art Swords) 1977
Production of tools for paper making (手漉和紙用具製作, tesuki washi yōgu seisaku)[96] washi Group (National Organization for Conserving Production Techniques of Tools for Traditional Paper Making) 1976
Natural dyestuffs (safflower and gromwell) production (植物染料 (紅・紫根) 生産・製造, shokubutsu senryō (behi - shikon) seisan - seizō)[97] Group (Japanese Association for Conserving Ethnic Craft Techniques) 1979
Kumi Odori tools and costume production and restoration (組踊道具・衣裳製作修理, kumiodori dōgu - ishō seisaku shūri)[98] Group 2009
Choma thread twisting (苧麻糸手績み, choma ito teumi)[99] Group (Miyako Organization for Conserving Bunmi Techniques) 2003
Production and refining of Japanese lacquer (日本産漆生産・精製, Nihon san urushi seisan - seisei)[100] Group (Japanese Association of Lacquer for Cultural Properties; Japanese Organization for Conserving Lacquer Gathering Techniques) 1976
Production of strings for Japanese musical instruments (邦楽器原糸製造, hotsugakki genshi seizō)[101] Group (Kino-honcho Town Organization for Conserving Production of Strings for Japanese Traditional Musical Instruments; Asai-cho Town Organization for Conserving Production of Strings for Japanese Traditional Musical Instruments) 1991

See also


  1. ^ "Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties (1950, last amendment 2007)" (PDF). UNESCO. Retrieved 2 May 2011.
  2. ^ a b "Preservation and Utilization of Cultural Properties" (PDF). Agency for Cultural Affairs. p. 41. Archived from the original (PDF) on 23 May 2011. Retrieved 2 May 2011.
  3. ^ a b c Larsen, Knut Einar (1994). Architectural Preservation in Japan. ICOMOS International Wood Committee. pp. 40f. ISBN 82-519-1432-9.
  4. ^ "Database of Cultural Properties". Agency for Cultural Affairs. Archived from the original on 22 February 2012. Retrieved 16 February 2012.
  5. ^ "2004 Workshop on Inventory-making for Intangible Cultural Heritage Management" (PDF). Asia/Pacific Centre for UNESCO (ACCU). pp. 200–203. Retrieved 16 February 2012.
  6. ^ "屋根瓦製作 (鬼師)". Agency for Cultural Affairs. Retrieved 16 February 2012.
  7. ^ "Onigawara". Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System. Retrieved 4 May 2011.
  8. ^ "規矩術 (近世規矩)". Agency for Cultural Affairs. Retrieved 16 February 2012.
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  10. ^ "規矩術 (古式規矩)". Agency for Cultural Affairs. Retrieved 16 February 2012.
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  16. ^ "建具製作". Agency for Cultural Affairs. Retrieved 16 February 2012.
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